DOTS: Direction On The Spot

플래닛다츠는 UI/UX 컨설팅 그룹으로
현실성 없는 제안은 과감하게 걷어내고
최선보다는 최적의 결정으로 정확한 방향을 제시합니다.



함께하는 파트너

Contact us

PlanetDOTS Corp.
더 나은 서비스를 제공합니다.


서울시 마포구 마포대로 14길 19, 6층




What we do

Our digital economy runs on results. We believe in goal-driven design, pinpointing the intersection between business goals, user goals, and the products designed to bring them together. Each team has a concise number of multi-disciplinary team members who wear a lot of hats. This approach cuts down on overhead and eliminates unnecessary communication channels that cost time and money.I will continue to create unusual things with inspiration from those around me. You can look forward to my future.

How we do

Our team members are multi-disciplinary professionals. Although we are a well-oiled machine, our people are far from cogs. The talent we cultivate gets the importance of honing their respective crafts. It helps to better serve both each other and our partners, and it shows in everything from what we design and produce, to what we value and believe.

App Award Winner

At the 2022 Smart App Awards, our 'Kiwoom Securities HeroS' app won the App Standard Innovation Grand Prize. In addition, at the 2022 A.N.D.Award, the 'Kiwoom Securities HeroS' app won an award in the securities/insurance/credit card sector.